435 Balliol St - Seymour Sold!
Here is what we did in just 7 days!
- Nearly 12,000 views on Youtube
- Over 6,000 people reached on Facebook
- More than 4,000 opened campaign emails and 2,700 website clicks
- 40+ groups through two open houses
- Over 30 buyer showings
- Multiple offers
The huge smiles on our clients' faces: PRICELESS!!!
435 Balliol St is a fantastic 2-storey detached home in sought-after Davisville Village! This renovated home features 3-bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a gourmet kitchen, and a warm and sunny family room with walkout to a spacious deck and backyard making it the perfect family home in an excellent neighbourhood.
When you decide it’s time to sell your home, call or email us to discuss how we can help you and your family. The Seymour Team would be happy to discuss any inquiries you have regarding the real estate process.

Jethro Seymour, one of the Top Toronto Real Estate agents, is a midtown Toronto residential specialist with over 20 years of sales experience in real estate, marketing, construction and publishing. He has helped many families, friends and investors find homes in Toronto’s great neighbourhoods and has extensive knowledge of local markets, new home construction, resale home sales, and the condo market. Living in midtown Toronto, Jethro previews many of the homes that come to market for his clients and inventory knowledge. Jethro specializes in midtown, Davisville Village and Leaside neighbourhoods. For more information, call Jethro Seymour, Broker.